Lo que yo sentiria al estar encerrada sería lo que conocen los psiquiatra como trastorno de pánico o trastrono de angustia, yo tendría una angustia y ver que la gente te quiere salvar y no puedo y otras que no hacen nada es lo que más.
Mucha gente dice como por ejemplo periódistas que la pelicula representaba la parálisis que padecía la sociedad de entonces ante el gobierno franquista, e incluso que era una pelicula en clave religiosa pero el protagonista esta película se rodó como una pelicula de terror y ciencia ficción, y que está lejos de cualquier planteamiento político.
- ¿Qué piensas, es una pelicula de terror o se rodó para representar a la política o religión?
- ¿Que sensación tendrías si estuvieras dentro de la cabina como el protagonista?
FCNT In class we saw a movie called the cab this movie left me very traumatized because they see this man going to die is horrible. In my opinion I think if I were locked been there I would have died before d eun infarction because the feeling of being locked up is the worst in the world. What I feel about being locked up would be what's known psychiatrist trastrono panic disorder or anxiety, distress and I would see that people love you and I can not save and others do nothing is the coolest. Many people say that journalists such as the movie represents the paralysis suffered by the society of that time to the Franco government, and even that was a movie from the religious but the star this film was shot like a horror film and science fiction, and which is far from any political approach.
1. What do you think, is a horror film or shot to represent the politics or religion?
2. What would you have if you were feeling inside the cabin as the protagonist?
Write your opinions and answers.